Following the Installation of David Petley as Worshipfull Master for the second Year running Domville Lodge No.4647 donated £250 to The Shannon Bradshaw Trust.
Domville Lodge meets at the Spread Eagle Hotel Lymm on the second Friday of each Month excluding March, June, July and August.
David together with John Taylor the Lodge Charity Steward visited the Community Centre, Meeting Lane, Penketh to present Patti Bradshaw the Honorary President of the Shannon Bradshaw Trust Charity with a Cheque, Patti said ” I thank the Members of the Lodge from the bottom of our hearts for this valuable cheque”
Caption: L->R John Taylor, David Petley, Patti Bradshaw and Ann
The Charity helps Children up to the age of 17 with life-threatening conditions and their families and can be contacted through Registered Charity No. 1113368